When Roger Met Jessica - Chapter 1 - LilMancub (2024)

Chapter Text

=====Chapter 1: Down at the Ink======

In the office of Valiant and Valiant, our favorite toon rabbit Roger was with his fellow detective and friend Eddie Valiant as both were done with a case involving a loan shark. Roger sipped on his carrot juice while Eddie drank on his alcoholic beverage sighing in content. The detective turned to his rabbit buddy and spoke on the ending of the case.

"Glad we solved the case of a loan shark who was after a guy down on his luck.", Valiant noted. Roger putting down his carrot juice nodded wildly feeling mutually about the situation.
"Yeah. That guy is so intimidating that I nearly dropped pellets in my overalls! We were almost dog chow for sure.", Roger said shuddering with Eddie shrugging at the mentioned moment.
"He kind of reminded us of Bill Sykes who did the similar thing but was killed somewhere in a subway in New York. However, this guy use to work with Sykes running a gambling ring. And the fact the client was in need of help to support his family just seems crazy. Common sense should've told him never to go to a loan shark for help.", Eddie noted nonchalantly looking in his files of the case. Roger being sympathetic for the client voiced his opinion.
"But, Eddie. It's what you said, he was down on his luck. He'd do anything to support his family. If I were in his shoes, I'd do the same. Especially for my Love Cups, the cream of my coffee.", Roger gushed at the latter part of his sentence about a certain redhead. His ears formed a heart as he was literally walking on air. Eddie looked up and yelled for him to come down.
"Hey, Rog! Get your cotton-tailed butt back down here before you—"


"crash.", Eddie sighed watching Roger crashing into a wall and falling on the floor with tweeting birds over his head. Eddie still sighing walked over to his long-eared friend to check if he's all right. But then again, toons like Roger can take more physical abuse than actual humans due to their own physics. The only confirmed way to actually kill and harm a toon was the Dip that Judge Doom created but was defeated in his own concoction.
"Rog, you idiot! What the hell am I going to do with you?!", the detective picked Roger up by his ears as the rabbit spoke gibberish. Eddie then picked up some water and dumped it over the rabbit's head causing him to yelp.
"BRRRRR! Who let the frost in here? It's chilly!", Roger chattered his teeth as frost effects were on his fur due to the cold water. Eddie shrugged throwing the rabbit a towel to dry himself off. Once that was done, the two detectives were just chilling since there were no cases present yet. Roger then broke the silence turning to Eddie with his trademark toothy grin.
"Say, Eddie?"

"Have I ever told ya how Love Cups and I came to be?", Roger asked with Eddie shaking his head.
"Not really. You haven't told me that before. I'm curious on how did you land a dame like her to begin with?", Eddie now curious wanted to know the origins of Roger and Jessica's romance. Roger sipping on his carrot juice eagerly spins on his chair before he begins to tell the tale.
"Glad you ask, pal! It all started during my early run at RK Maroon Studios. Now where to begin?"


The filming of a Baby Herman cartoon was at the end but not before the producer Raul began his tirade on the toon rabbit. The way the ending of the cartoon didn't impress him one bit as he marched up to Roger with a scowl on his face.
"Cut! Cut! Cut! Roger, you futzed up the script for the umpteenth time! What were you suppose to do in the script?! Tell me!", Raul rambled as Herman watched groaning at his friend Roger's screw-up. The look the gruff baby made indicated that it wasn't the first time Roger did such a thing. The toon rabbit sheepishly grinned looking at Raul's irritated expression.
"I was supposed to have a growing lump on my head after hitting the ceiling?", Roger answered with Raul nodding.
"Correct. Then why didn't I see that?! I swear that if I had every dollar for each screw-up you do, I'd be paid handsomely!", Raul yelled with Roger stuttering.
"P-P-P-P-lease! I'll re-do the take! I'll grow a lump with a flag attached to it! See?", Roger said hitting his head with a mallet causing a lump with a flag to appear. Raul being the way he is decided to leave.
"And have you drive me to drink? No thanks! All right, boys! Clean up this mess! It's quittin' time for today! As for you, Roger! For once in your life, get your lines right!", Raul stomped out of the studio grumbling as the crew cleaned up the studio. Herman sighed in frustration with a cigar in his mouth walked up to his co-star speaking his mind.
"Rog, you long-eared nitwit! Every time we film a cartoon, you always find a way to mess it up! What the hell am I goin' to do with ya?! I swear it gets old like spoiled milk!", Herman ranted with Roger waving his hands in defense.
"P-P-P-P-lease! At least I try to get stuff right. It gets confusing sometimes! Raul's always petty on the smallest things.", Roger whined. Herman couldn't help but sympathize with his friend.
"I understand, pal. Raul can be a real asshole sometimes. Don't let his frustration get to ya, Rog. Tell ya what. How about we go to the Ink and Paint Club? That cheers me up when Raul gets on our asses.", the gruff baby said as Roger used his ears to rub his head in thought. The rabbit then got back to his goofy self and jumped for joy.
"Sure thing, Herman! Um, where's the Ink and Paint Club?", Roger asked.
""Just follow my lead and we'll get there in no time. It's the club in Toontown.", the baby said as the two toons walked along outside the studio. Once they were outside, Roger asked his friend something.
"Are we walkin' there? I bet we can get there if we do."
"Not a snowball's chance we're walkin'! We're catchin' a cab!", Herman said using his thumb to signal a taxi. Suddenly, a yellow cab with eyes as headlights and a bumper mouth sped and stopped beside the toons with no driver inside. Roger and Herman were now greeted by the talking cab.
"Well if it isn't my favorite toon pals! Hop in before I charge ya for stallin'!"
"Good to see ya, Benny! After a long day of makin' cartoons, it's a breath of fresh air.", Roger said happily only for Herman to pull the rabbit inside the cab. Once inside, Benny asked his fellow toons about a destination.
"Okay, you guys. where to? You haven't used your thumb for nothin', ya know.", Benny asked with Herman saying the place to go.
"To the Ink and Paint Club, pal! after being chewed out again by Raul, we deserve some R&R!", Herman said as Benny smirked.
"I figure why you want to go there. Rog, you better not get behind the wheel!", Benny said with Roger chuckling.
"P-P-P-P-P-lease! How come?!"
"You know why! You almost caused a pile up the last time you were behind the wheel! No snowball's chance that I'm letting it happen again!", Benny reminded the rabbit as the cab took off to their destination with Roger's ears waving wildly in the wind.

=====At the Ink and Paint Club=====

"All right, boys! This is the place! And remember that if you want a ride, just stick out your thumb! See ya!", Benny bid the toons goodbye as he sped off. Roger and Herman saw the club in front of them in It's glory. The baby turned to Roger with a stern scowl.
"Now remember, Roger! Let me get us in the club and above all, do not order any alcohol! I repeat, do..not…order..any..alcohol. Capisce?", Herman warned as Roger grinned.
"Don't worry, Herman. After what happened the last time we were at a bar, I learned my lesson real quick. I'll be careful from now on.", Roger said.
"Well you better be. I'm not payin' for any damages because of your little outbursts. C'mon, let's get the hell in there.", Herman said with both boys going to the club. They were at a door with a sliding peephole stopping in front of it. Herman turned to Roger motioning to himself.
"Just Leave this to me.", Herman whispered as he knocked on the door. Afterwards the peephole slid with stern and vigilant eyes glaring at Roger and Herman.
"What's the password?!", the deep and gruff voice asked as Roger felt a little chicken. Herman rolled his eyes at his friend's cowardly act.
"Walt sent me.", Herman said as the peephole slid shut. Then the door opened up showing a large toon gorilla bouncer ushering them inside.
"Come on in.", the gorilla said as both Herman and Roger did as they were Instructed.

The boys were seated near the front row as they were watching Donald and Daffy doing a Piano battle of Hungarian Rhapsody. The two ducks were arguing on who's better and then they made insults.
"Say it to my face, squawk box! You're despicable!", challenged Daffy causing Donald to glare with his face red with anger.
"Doggone little stupid…WAAaAACK!", Donald grumbled throwing a fit as the two battled on the pianos. Roger laughed himself silly while Herman smoked his cigar.
"Donald and Daffy are such class acts! They never get old! Right, Herman?!", Roger laughed while Herman rolled his eyes.
"Are you Kidding? Those two always futzzes up the act ending in a draw every time! There's got to be a winner some time around! Ugh! I need a drink! Hey, Rog. Ya want anything?", Herman asked as the rabbit shook his head.
"Not yet. I'm thinking about it.", Roger told his friend who is now a Little impatient.
"Well make up your damn mind because the waitress will be here at any moment!", Herman told roger as they continued on watching the famous piano battle. As soon as the song ended, the pianos exploded causing Donald and Daffy to get caught in the explosion. Once the smoke cleared up, Donald with the piano keys as teeth in his mouth grumbled.
"Awww, phooey!", Donald said stomping off stage while Daffy walked in front of the audience looking burnt up.
"Roast duck, anyone?", Daffy said sputtering out smoke as he wobbled off stage. The patrons cheered with applause as the next act had a toon octopus juggling some balls with a happy piano melody. It lasted a while as Roger loved the act.
"Herman, look! That octopus is very good at the juggling act. Isn't he awesome?", Roger asked only for Herman to snort at the octopus along with the other patrons.
"Yeah, right. That act bores me to tears. Share that with somebody who gives a sh*t.", Herman nonchalantly said. Soon, a waitress with a flapper outfit and short curly black hair sporting a curvy figure approached Roger and Herman. The baby then smiled at the waitress as she greeted.
"Hey there, Herman. And you must be Roger Rabbit, right?", she said.
"Oh hey there, Betty Boop. How's it goin'? Got any other gigs Lined up?", Herman asked the cartoon icon as she shook her head.
"Not yet. But maybe I'll get one sooner. It's just that cartoons are moving to Technicolor. Even Snow White and the Seven Dwarves and Dumbo made the Jump. But I'll be all right. Boop-boop be doop!", she giggled as Herman nodded.
"That's the spirit, Betty. Say, I'll have a Bloody Mary on the rocks.", Herman said as Betty wrote down the drink.
"Okay. How about you, Roger?", Betty asked. The rabbit looked at the strange drink name as he looked at one that tickles his fancy. He sported his bucktoothed grin at Betty Boop making his choice. Unaware to Herman, that drink would spell some sort of disaster as he was looking at some female toon from afar.
"I'll have your hard cider, p-p-p-p-lease.", Roger stuttered as Betty giggled.
"Okay. Coming right up? Oh and just so you know, the main star is Jessica Crupnik.", Betty said as Roger raised his ears in curiosity.
"Who's Jessica Crupnik?", Roger wondered.
"She's a well-known singer at this club. She's very popular with our patrons. I bet you'll like her as much as they do. She's coming on in a minute. Be right back.", Betty said as she went to the bar to get Roger and Herman's drinks. Roger turned to his friend Herman with a question on his mind.
"Hey, Herman?"
"What Is it, Rog? I'm busy checkin' Out this fine broad nearby.", Herman huffed.
"What's Jessica's Singing like?", Roger asked as Herman smirked.

"You'll find out soon enough, Rog. She's quite the Looker if ya catch my drift.", Herman told him slyly as the rabbit nodded. Soon, the octopus was done with his act as some of the patrons were being jerks towards him. They were booing and throwing random things at him causing the toon to panic.
"Get off, you eight legged bum!", one man bellowed out before throwing garbage at him. Roger frowned in anger watching the mess go down. However, the Fantasia brooms cleaned up the mess on stage as the announcer makes his presence.
"All right now. Settle down, you lovable rogues. It's the moment you fellas are waitin' for. Let's give it up for the lovely Jessica Crupnik.", the MC said as the patrons of humans and toons applauded and wolf whistled for the singer.
"Hey, Rog. Here she comes. You're in for a real treat.", Herman said to his rabbit pal. Betty BOop handed the boys their drinks as she giggled.
"Put it on my tab, toots.", Herman hollered as Betty agreed to the Idea. As for the singer of the night, she appeared with the piano starting up with the sax and other instruments. The way Roger's expression reacted to her was an understatement. Jessica is a beautiful and curvaceous woman with ginger hair in a peek-a-boo hairstyle with purple eyeshadow and emerald eyes, red lipstick sporting a red dress sparkling nicely wearing a set of heels to boot. She seductively waved to the hooping and hollering male Patrons who were wanting to "do some things" with her tonight. Roger's eyes gazed but not with lust but with genuine lovesickness and infatuation. After the crowd settled down, the redhead bombshell did her thing.

====="Count Me Out" from All Dogs GO To Heaven 2=======

"If you got romance on your mind."

"If you like to stroll hand in hand"
"If you want to cuddle in the moonlight."

"And whisper, "Ain't love grand?"

"If you want someone to buy that sweet talk that you guys Love to spout."

"Baby, count me out", Jessica seductively posed and made an aloof face with the men aside from Roger looking hungrily at her. Roger had hearts in his eyes and made a heart-shape ears to indicate his Lovesickness much to Herman's chagrin as Jessica continued after the saxophone bit.
"If you want to dance cheek to cheek."

"Then go home and talk all night long."

"If you want to send somebody flowers.", Jessica then held a bouquet of flowers throwing it into the audience at a table of male humans and toons causing a comical scuffle and shouting In the process. Jessica then smirked and continued the next lyric.
"And share a stupid song.", Roger swooned and landed on the table in front of Herman who facepalmed in tune to the sax.
"If you want a woman who believes that you're what her life's all about."

"Baby, count me out.", Jessica winked at the audience as Roger blushed with his feet thumping. Herman groaned and spoketo himself.
"Oh great. He's now a hopeless romantic.", Herman sighed as Jessica got the crowd pumped up by singing the next verse.

"I've been there, I've done that."

"It's nowhere, it's old hat."

"Forget those thoughts!"

"Your thinking, mister! And just regardly as your sister.", she paused as some of the male toons howled in mock disappointment. Jessica eyed a certain rabbit making lovesick gestures as she winks at him unbeknownst to him but Herman noticed this.
"Hey, Romeo! She's checkin' ya out! Hey! Are you listenin' to me?", Herman asked as Roger made love babbles much to the baby's exasperation. Jessica then did the next verse.

"If you want to send valentines."
"If you want to write Poetry."
"Here's a little change, go call somebody."
"Who doesn't look like me."
"And if you got Plans to fall in love without a shadow of a doubt."

"Baby, count me out."
"That's what I said!"
"I say Baby, count me out.", the singer paused as the Piano made a closing melody before she made one word come Out Of her mouth.
"Hound Dog.", Roger drinks his cider whole as the crowd cheered the redhead on. She stood there and took in the applause. Herman playfully elbowed his friend getting his attention.
"Hey, Rog! What do ya think of that, buddy?! Isn't she good or what? Rog? Are you okay? Oh sh*t! You didn't!", Herman gulped in worry as Roger sputtered as his face turned red with his ears erratically moving and twitching. Not to mention steam coming out of his ears ready to take off like a rocket.
"Rog, you idiot! You ordered the alcohol didn't you? I Oughta shove my foot so far up your—"

Before Herman can finish, Roger took off like rocket ricocheting off the walls hitting some of the props and went like a pinball machine. Jessica watched on in worry as she wondered what happened next. Roger's meltdown was at a halt landing face first onto the stage floor with a crate flattening him like a pancake. Jessica then gasped running to the crate as Herman and everyone else watched on.
Jessica pushed the crate away seeing Roger's flattened body on the floor. Before Jessica can do anything, Roger puts his thumb in his mouth and blew on it causing him to be in normal form. Roger shook himself off and grinned.
"Jeepers, remind me to ask about the drinks next time. Talk about blasting off.", Roger noted as Jessica laughed genuinely with Roger's lump finally growing out of his head with a flag waving. The redhead laughed some more as the male patrons yelled and threw fits blaming Roger for ruining their night as staff tried to clean up the mess. Jessica then stopped laughing and smiled at the rabbit.
"I believe I heard of you before. You're Roger Rabbit, right?", Jessica asked the toon rabbit as he had a lovesick grin.
"Yep. The one and only. Sorry about my little episode back there. I have a bad reaction to alcohol.", Roger sheepishly rubbed his head with one of his ears. Jessica chuckled at his adorkable nature but suddenly, the two toons heard a familiar voice.
"There you are, you long-eared nitwit! Because of you, the club's a bit banged up!", Herman yelled as he marches up to the stage as Jessica cooed at the baby toon star.
"Awww. Is the little man your friend, Roger? He's so adorable with a cigar in his mouth.", Jessica said as Herman nodded.
"Yeah, toots. Sorry about my friend there. He's allergic to something he knows not to drink!", Herman glared at Roger pointing the finger at him. The rabbit waved his hands in defense.
"P-P-P-P-P-lease! How was I suppose to know that hard cider was alcoholic?! It's cider!", Roger said.
"Maybe you should've read the list carefully! And next time, if a drink has something with the word "Hard" in it, it's possibly it has alcohol in it, you big dumb bozo!", Herman yelled with Roger nervously chuckling. Jessica then got between the boys and giggled.
"Oh settle down, you two. I'm sure Roger didn't know it. Isn't that right, Roger?", Jessica said smiling rubbing Roger's head in a caressing manner.
"Yeah. I'll sure to be careful from now on. Again, I'm sorry for the Outburst earlier. And you sing like an angel. And you're laugh is music to my long ears.", Roger complimented as Jessica blushed with a giggle.
"Really? Oh shucks. You're making me blush. And I've seen your cartoons and I believe you're very funny.", Jessica said with Roger this time blushing.
"Oh that's wonderful! I'm very funny and Love to make people laugh!", Roger said with pride in his goofy fashion. Jessica deep down didn't sense Roger being as Lustful as the other patrons in the club. The way he was speaking to her now and being his goofy self lowers her defenses a Little. However, she wanted to get to know the rabbit better.
"You seem to be an alright guy. I Like you. Why don't we get to know each other on the weekend at a café somewhere? Sounds good with you?" Saturday perhaps?", Jessica asked hoping that the rabbit would be interested. Luckily for her, Roger agreed to the idea.
"That's a good idea, Ms. Crupnik. I'd be delighted.", Roger said as Jessica smiled.
"Thank you, Roger. Oh and call me Jessica. No need to be formal, can we?", Jessica said with a smile as Roger grinned. Herman then huffed at Roger tapping his foot impatiently.
"If you don't mind, Romeo. It's getting late and we need to get home! It's time for my nap so I can be ready for Raul's bullsh*t tomorrow!", Herman said to his co-star as Roger chuckled.
"So Saturday it is? Where can I pick you up?", Roger asked as Jessica wrote something on a sheet of paper and gave it to him.
"Here's my address. 6:30 sounds nice. If it's Okay.", Jessica reminded.
"No problem at all, Jessica. I'll pick you up at 6:30 on Saturday. I don't have to do any cartoons by that time.", Roger said slipping the paper in the pockets of his overalls with his gloved hand. Jessica felt content as the three went out the club as staff workers cleaned up the mess Roger made.

=========Sometime later========

"Roger, you're such a bozo. You know that? It was the bar before this one that you'd made an outburst like that. But hey, at least you scored a dame despite your goofy self.", Herman said smoking a cigar while in Benny's cab. Roger with puppy dog eyes felt excited looking forward to Saturday which was three days away.
"I sure did. But I think we're friends for now.", Roger said.
"Oh sure, Rog. It's only a matter of time before you and the dame start dating. That is, if you don't make an ass of yourself.", Herman smugly said with the cigar in his mouth Hugh Hefner style.
"What's that suppose to mean? Don't jinx it.", Roger whined as Benny chuckled.
"Lay off the rabbit would ya, Herman? But he's right, Rog. You're so Lucky to meet a Lucky lady to get to know. Hopefully, you'll behave yourself and not bounce off the walls like you did at the club tonight. First impression's still a thing ya know.", Benny said as Roger knew what his friends were talking about. He then felt a bit nervous for he remembered the last girl who didn't want anything to do with him for being who he is. He then spoke up to Benny and Herman.
"Guys, do you really think Jessica will appreciate who I am? Being the goofiest, funniest rabbit alive and all. It's just that the last girl I hung out with turned out to want me for fame and fortune. Not because I'm a good and funny person.", Roger asked as Benny and Herman were a bit turned a back by Roger's mood shift. Herman then spoke first with passion and firmness.
"Rog, Benny and I knew ya since we've met many years ago. I'm sure it Kind of hurts to see the last broad flake out on you like that. But that's her Loss and not yours. Sure, you're goofy, clumsy and sometimes a pain in the ass but you're damn funny and genuine! Hell, you were up front with Jessica about making people laugh like it's your passion. Though It is. But all I'm saying is that you just be real with yourself and to Jessica when you two meet up at the café. In fact, you and her have the best damn time of your toon lives! Who knows, Jessica may be the one for ya, pal.", Herman said.
"I agree to that! Many dames in the biz love ya, Rog! And you have the lovely redhead wrapped around your furry paws. Those guys in the club are green with envy. I Like it.", Benny said to the rabbit who chuckled lightening his mood. Soon, the cab parked at the high-rise where Herman and Roger stepped out.
"Thanks, Benny! You can put the fare on my tab or Roger's.", Herman told the cab as Roger's eyes bugged out of his sockets.
"What? Why me?", Roger asked flabbergasted.
"Isn't it obvious, Blast Bunny? The least you could do is pay for our way home after putting On a show at the club.", Herman said but Benny waved it off.
"Oh don't worry about it, guys! It's on me! See ya later, lover boy!", Benny said to the rabbit as he drove away. The two boys shrugged and went to their home.
"Well, Rog. See ya tomorrow at the studio. Remember what I said earlier about Raul."
"Oh okay, Herman. Thanks for takin' me to the Ink and Paint Club. That was an awesome experience.", Roger smiled his toothy grin.
"No prob, Rog. At least you got your spirits up after work. Bagging you a hot dame and all. A famous singer at that. Oh and don't worry about what happened earlier. You really didn't know what hard drinks are. But I bet you learned that the somewhat hard way.", Herman chuckled with Roger nodding.
"Yep. I sure did. But hey, I got the lump part right this time." Roger referenced the lump caused by the crate falling on him earlier. Herman smirked to his rabbit buddy.
"Good to hear that. But try to do the same at the studio, okay?", Herman said with a chuckle as he bid Roger goodnight before he went to his room in the high-rise apartment in the city. Roger went to his apartment and entered it as he smiled to himself.
"Ah. Home sweet home.", he quipped as he scurried to his bedroom to change out of his overalls and gloves. The rabbit slipped on his PJs and jumped into bed putting the sheet of paper that Jessica gave him on his nightstand and had a picture of Jessica along with the address with her initials. He smiled goofily as he spoke to himself.
"Time to get some shuteye. Tomorrow, my stage awaits.", Roger said before he managed to catch some Z's with the dream cloud over his head as sheep hopped the fences. For Roger, it was the beginning of something between him and his new friend, Jessica.

=====At Jessica's======

The redhead Jessica finished her shift at the Ink and Paint Club. To say that nearly all the men there lusting after her wasn't a surprise to her. Ever since she was drawn that way as beautiful with some appeal to her, the opposite sex wanted to be with her but most want to for all the wrong reasons. Jessica shook her head at the memories of the male Patrons being thirsty and never had a desire to get to know her for more than her external beauty. However, her first meeting with the famous Roger Rabbit was a blast with no puns intended.

She thought about the rabbit as he watched her from his and Herman's table to landing on stage. The redhead didn't seem to sense Roger's thirst for her for he wasn't the kind of person to do such a thing. However, Jessica wanted to get to know the bunny to see if he would see her for more than her Looks.
She did hear of Roger Rabbit's career as a toon star at RK Maroon Studios. Roger was upfront about loving to make people laugh and being happy. The first impression made by Roger got Jessica the more curious to figure out the mystery behind the rabbit.

The redhead sighed thinking about the rabbit as she changed Out of her outfit into her lingerie. She did climbed into her cozy bed and sighed a lonely smile facing an empty side of the bed. Sure, it wasn't hard for Jessica to find a man with her great looks as an advantage. However, she did have realistic standards for she wants someone to love her for her and not for her body alone. Roger didn't exhibit any form of lust but witnessed him being Lovesick which was totally different from the rest she came across.
She deep down loved laughter for it soothed her soul especially watching some of Roger's cartoons and Mickey Mouse ones a well. The gigs at the Ink and Paint Club paid good but the fact being that the thirst was real got on her nerves nearly every night from catcalls, unnecessary touching from one patron. It got ugly that the gorilla bouncer had to use excessive force on the drunken patron before throwing him out. Then there were cheesy pick-up lines and even disturbing ones like, "What time does your legs open?", "Help me get my urges met." And others. The fact she had to get use to all those things on a regular basis is an understatement.

In the now, she's looking forward to get to know Roger this weekend. Thankfully, she had the weekend off as Clarice who is a friend of Chip-n-Dale took the shift at the club. She blushed but shook it off for she just met Roger and not wish to sound desperate. However, she decided to sleep the night away for she has another gig tomorrow night. As much as She doesn't wish to be around sleaze balls that frequent the club, she needed the skills to pay the bills. The silver Lining was that there were bouncers who will throw 'bows with anyone who is belligerent and stupid. The redhead had a smile deciding to push through the next few days until the weekend hits. She also had a dream cloud of something different than Roger's but let's say it's kind Of romantic involving him as a blissful smile appeared on her face.

A/N: And that's the first chappy, folks. I made some mentions of some of the Disney characters. I referenced Bill Sykes from Disney's other classic, Oliver and Company who is a loan shark and the main villain. He doesn't get much love as other Disney baddies like Scar, Ursula, Maleficent or Judge Doom but his ability to use deadly force as a criminal in the gritty streets of New York makes him relatable to real life situations. Also, the song "Baby, Count ME Out" is an awesome song from MGM's All Dogs Go To Heaven 2 where Sasha LaFleur sings it pretty well in a doggy nightclub scene. I figured I'd put that song in the fic since It fits the vibe and tone of the Roger Rabbit universe. And for those wondering why Baby Herman is drinking alcohol, because I feel Like if Disney can show him smoking cigars, being a boss baby around chicks and has a potty mouth then without giving a damn, then I sure as hell have him drink booze in this fic. XD. Anyway, let me know how you feel about this RogerxJessica centric fic. I decided to have Roger, Jessica and Herman as the main three characters of the story. As always, LilMancub out and I'll see y'all in the next one.

When Roger Met Jessica - Chapter 1 - LilMancub (2024)
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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

Birthday: 1992-09-29

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Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.