Avocado Chocolate Mousse Recipe - Happy Foods Tube (2024)

Avocado chocolate mousse with cherries is a simple summer recipe. This avocado dessert is sweet, creamy and chocolate-y with a subtle cherry flavor.

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Avocado Chocolate Mousse Recipe - Happy Foods Tube (1)

It only contains natural sugar from dates and cherries but it can be sweetened more, if you like. Honey, agave, maple or date syrup are excellent choices.

Special diets information

Does this avocado chocolate pudding contain:

Dairy: NO
Refined sugar: NO
Nuts: NO (always check the ingredient labels to see if they were made in a factory that does not handles nuts, especially when having severe allergy reactions).
Gluten: NO

Is it vegan? YES

Avocado Chocolate Mousse Recipe - Happy Foods Tube (2)
Avocado Chocolate Mousse Recipe - Happy Foods Tube (3)

How to make avocado chocolate mousse

Gather and prep all the ingredients: pit cherries, make sure to remove any stones from dates (double check if all of them are stone-free). Peel and half avocados and remove their stones.

Combine these altogether with coconut milk drink, salt and cocoa powder in a food processor. Process until smooth and enjoy!

Avocado Chocolate Mousse Recipe - Happy Foods Tube (4)

Perfect for parties

Planning a gathering and looking for a vegan chocolate mousse for you or your vegan friends? Try this recipe!

Serve it in disposable plastic dessert cups or shot glasses, top with fresh cherry and voila! The perfect healthy treat.

Avocado adds a great texture to this mousse but not only that. Because of its health benefits you can enjoy this avocado dessert without a guilt.

Where to use avocado?

Avocados are so versatile, and they definitely don’t belong on a toast only. I have many tasty recipes with avocado on the blog: you can literally use them anywhere from spreads, dips, smoothies, to hummus, even in ramen.

Avocado Chocolate Mousse Recipe - Happy Foods Tube (5)

Avocado chocolate mousse frequently asked questions:

What can I use instead of coconut milk drink?

Almond milk drink is a great substitute!

Can I omit salt?

Yes, you can.

What dates should I use?

You can use either Deglet noir which are the smaller (and cheaper) dates or Medjool dates (larger, softer and sweeter). With Medjool you don’t need to presoak them as they are very soft.

Some Deglet noir don’t need pre-soaking. Squeeze a few between fingers to check for softness.

How many calories in chocolate avocado mousse?

1 serving (a dessert shot) contains 89 calories.

Avocado Chocolate Mousse Recipe - Happy Foods Tube (6)

More healthy treats for you to try:

  • Peanut Butter Banana Brownies – a healthy vegan treat that will satisfy any sweet tooth, not only vegans!
  • Chocolate Covered Dates – our favorite snack that is best enjoyed right from freezer!
  • Coconut Chocolate Bars – tasty coconut bars covered in chocolate make a healthy sweet treat.

Want to see how to make avocado chocolate mousse? Watch the video!

Avocado Chocolate Mousse Recipe - Happy Foods Tube (7)

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5 from 6 votes

Avocado Chocolate Mousse with Cherries

Avocado chocolate mousse with cherries is a simple summer recipe. This avocado dessert is sweet, creamy and chocolate-y with a subtle cherry flavor.

Prep Time15 minutes mins

Total Time15 minutes mins

Servings: 12 dessert shooters (see note 3)

Calories: 89

Author: Julia


  • 2 large avocados , ripe, peeled & stones removed
  • 1/2 cup pitted dates , see note 1 & 2 (80-100 grams)
  • 1 cup fresh cherries , stones removed + extra for garnish (180 grams)
  • 1/2 cup coconut milk drink (120 milliliters)
  • salt , a pinch (optional)
  • 1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder (40 grams)


  • In a food processor, combine together all the ingredients and process until smooth.

  • Cover with a foil and refrigerate for 30 minutes (or more) before serving.

  • Fill small shot glasses (see note 4 & 5), top with a cherry and serve!

  • Enjoy!



  1. Either medjool (large and soft) or deglet noir dates (small and usually drier) can be used. If your deglet noir dates are hard, you will need to soak them in warm water for 30 minutes first.
  2. 1/2 cup is about 12 deglet noir or 4-5 medjool dates. The smaller dates will be lighter and weigh about 80 grams while the large ones will be heavier (about 100 grams) and also sweeter.
  3. This recipe yields about 2.5 cups of mousse (650 grams).
  4. For parties: Best served in 1 or 2-ounce (30-60 milliliters) shot glasses or dessert cups.
  5. Garnish with fresh cherry or chocolate shavings and fresh mint leaf.
  6. The sweetness of this chocolate avocado mousse will depend on the sweetness (ripeness) of your produce. With medjool dates, you should get a sweeter mousse than with deglet noir. If you prefer a sweeter taste, add a sweetener of your choice: agave, date syrup, maple syrup or honey are delicious options.
  7. Nutritional information are per 1 dessert shooter.
  8. This avocado chocolate mousse can be prepared in advance and served the following day.

Course: Dessert

Cuisine: American

Keyword: Avocado Chocolate Mousse

Nutrition Facts

Avocado Chocolate Mousse with Cherries

Amount per Serving



% Daily Value*






Saturated Fat






























Vitamin A





Vitamin C















* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.

** As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

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Avocado Chocolate Mousse Recipe - Happy Foods Tube (2024)


Why is my chocolate mousse not fluffy? ›

Not fluffy enough, not chocolatey enough, too sweet, grainy, etc etc. Many “easy” chocolate mousse recipes tend to use too much cream so the end result is more like custard, rather than aerated like real chocolate mousse should be.

Why is my chocolate mousse so thick? ›

Too much fat in the recipe creates a texture that is too thick and heavy. Cream with a 35% fat content in combination with a three-drop chocolate yields the perfect texture.

When making a chocolate mousse Why does melted chocolate need to be warm when the whipped eggs or cream are added? ›

The melted chocolate should not be hot because the eggs will curdle when added. Nor should it be cold because the eggs won't incorporate smoothly. Make sure the melted chocolate is at body temperature.

How do you serve choc mousse? ›

How to Serve Chocolate Mousse. While chocolate mousse is just fine all on its own, you can fancy it up by adding a dollop of whipped cream to each dish before serving. You can also layer the mousse with raspberries and whipped cream; if you do this, serve it in glasses so you can see the pretty layers when you serve.

What are common mistakes when making mousse? ›

You'll have a better chance for success if you can learn to avoid these common mousse mistakes.
  • Getting the temperatures wrong. ...
  • Using a bowl that's not squeaky clean. ...
  • Overmixing your mousse batter. ...
  • Burning the chocolate. ...
  • Flubbing the folding. ...
  • Not straining the custard. ...
  • Skipping the chill.
Apr 22, 2024

What can I add to mousse to make it thicker? ›

For an even thicker mousse, livestrong.com suggests adding in ½ tablespoon of cornstarch and ½ tablespoon of cold milk until reaching your desired consistency. Remove from heat and cool slightly before transferring it to the refrigerator to chill for 2 hours.

How to fix mousse that didn't set? ›

Simply sprinkle some powdered gelatin (around 1/2 teaspoon for every 2 cups of mousse) onto the surface of the runny mousse. Let it sit for a few minutes to bloom, then gently fold it into the mixture. Refrigerate for at least 4 hours to set.

How do you stiffen chocolate mousse? ›

Try adding a small amount of cornstarch to a little water, and add it to the mousse a little at a time and see how it thickens the texture. You can also beat some egg yolks in a separate bowl over low heat until they increase in volume and slowly add them to the mousse mixture.

How to fix over whipped mousse? ›

Add un-whipped heavy cream one tablespoon at a time.

If your cream looks salvageable, pour in a tablespoon of cold unwhipped cream. You'll probably have to add one fourth to one third of the amount of cream you started with, but adding a little bit at a time will help you control the consistency.

Why add egg yolks to chocolate mousse? ›

Egg yolks – this thickens up custard mixture in the mousse and boosts richness. Granulated sugar – you can adjust this slightly to taste.

Why add heavy cream to melted chocolate? ›

Semi-Sweet Chocolate: I really like Bakers brand chocolate bars, but Ghirardelli is another great option. You may also use semi-sweet chocolate chips in this recipe, which I'll explain later. Heavy Cream: Also known as heavy whipping cream, this helps to thin out the chocolate.

Do you need cream of tartar for mousse? ›

Cream of tartar's most popular use is to stabilize egg whites, making them less likely to deflate in dishes like meringues and mousses, but there are other uses for it too.

What pairs well with mousse? ›

There's no better pairing than chocolate and strawberry. Add layers of soft, rich cake and creamy mousse, and you've got yourself a masterpiece.

What's the difference between chocolate pudding and chocolate mousse? ›

While the ingredients are similar, chocolate pudding is cooked on the stove to activate the cornstarch or flour, depending on the recipe. Mousse is not cooked. It develops its airy texture just from whipped cream.

Should chocolate mousse be refrigerated? ›

To keep chocolate mousse, it will need to be kept cold in the fridge. Cover the mousse with plastic wrap and keep in the fridge until ready to eat. Chocolate mousse will keep in the fridge for 4-5 days. You can absolutely freeze chocolate mousse, and it will last in the freezer for up to 2 months.

Why is my mousse flat? ›

If they are over-whisked to stiff peaks it will be difficult to mix them evenly into the chocolate without deflating the mix, resulting in a flat, streaky mousse. Avoid graininess. If your recipe calls for sugar, try using icing sugar to prevent the final mousse from having any trace of the undissolved granules.

How to fix deflated mousse? ›

Gelatin: This classic option works effectively. Simply sprinkle some powdered gelatin (around 1/2 teaspoon for every 2 cups of mousse) onto the surface of the runny mousse. Let it sit for a few minutes to bloom, then gently fold it into the mixture. Refrigerate for at least 4 hours to set.

What should the texture of chocolate mousse be? ›

Chocolate mousse is a staple among chocolate desserts. It is very popular for all ages. Its texture is easy to recognize as it has a light, airy look, its chocolate flavor is intense and it's soft and melting on the palate.

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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.